Education at SBOA

Education at SBOA is a Preparation for Life

The school keeps a central focus on teaching and learning and has been producing excellent academic results since its inception. It has gained distinction in the field of academics and firmly remains committed to the cause of education in consonance with the emerging needs of the present. Learning here is facilitated through experiments, projects, assignments and discussion in every discipline.

Apart from refining the academic skills of the students, the educational programme at SBOA also aims at strengthening the self confidence of the learners by nurturing their hidden talents and capabilities. The comprehensive programme of co –curricular activities gives an ample room to every child to discover and develop his / her innate strengths. A wide range of opportunities are provided here in variety of areas viz. gymnastics, yoga, aerobics, scouts and guide, sports, music, dance, drama, art and craft apart from academics. The educational programme at SBOA seeks to instill in children ideal habits, positive attitude and right values .Thus the children at SBOA are trained not only for the school examinations but are also prepared to face the tough challenges of life confidently and responsibly.

Scouts and Guide
Cultural Festivals